Ethiopia - Shanta Golba - Natural
Ethiopia - Shanta Golba - Natural
Ethiopia - Shanta Golba - Natural
Ethiopia - Shanta Golba - Natural

Ethiopia - Shanta Golba - Natural

Regular price $21.00

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Shanta Golba is one of the primary cooperatives belonging to the Sidama Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (SCFCU), one of Ethiopia’s largest and best-known exporting organizations. SCFCU is robust; there are 53 member cooperatives in the union and over 80,000 member households throughout the Sidama Zone. Harvest in Sidama occurs slightly earlier than in the more southern zones of Gedeo and Guji, and as a result the fully washed lots from here are usually the year’s very first top quality arrivals from anywhere in Ethiopia. 

Shanta Golba carries out activities that often go unnoticed but are crucial for small producers, including training producers in best organic practices and investing in basic infrastructure, needs like road improvements and establishing local warehouses. SCFCU focuses on establishing a certification process for local cooperatives, creating micro-credit for producers, and investing in social programs on a larger scale. Environmental training programs, healthcare initiatives, life insurance, and educational opportunities are just some of the ways SCFCU strives to improve the quality of life for coffee producers and their families.  

There are 1267 farmer members belonging to the Shanta Golba cooperative. Farmers in this area are truly smallholders, averaging less than a hectare of coffee cultivation each, in which they also produce vegetables for the household and local sale. The coop processes coffee at 2 different sites, in the Bensa district communities of Shantawene and Sadeware.   

Unlike in most of Sidama, Shanta Golba produces natural process coffees, and willingly invests in the necessary resources to pull this off. One of which is drying space: full coffee cherries are greater in volume than the seeds alone, not to mention naturals need to dry slowly in a single layer, which, when combined, necessitate many more raised beds for an equal output of coffee. The other is labor: Shanta Golba employs over 100 people at the station to oversee the constant maintenance of both parchment and cherry drying. Once fully dried and cured, final milling for export is completed at the Union mill in Addis Ababa. 

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Julie Templeton

This coffee is a shining example of natural process Ethiopia