Guatemala - Finca la Montaña - Natural

from Frijaines, Guatemala
This coffee was brought to us from our partners at Primavera Coffee Importers who specialize in all things Guatemala. Antonio Gonzalez and Eby Aracely Samayoa have produced a beautiful naturally-processed Red Catuai with notes of cherry, roasted nuts and a sweet milk chocolate aftertaste.
Antonio and Aracely’s coffees are processed with the utmost care and attention to detail at their mill. Finca la Montaña is at 1200 meters - a bit lower than the farm where the plants grow, which means stronger sun and warmer days that are perfect for drying naturally-processed coffees. Only the ripest red cherries are selected for this lot, and placed in clean, sealed plastic bags in the shade. Antonio and Aracely know that fermentation begins soon after the cherries are harvested, and years of experience have taught them that the best results come when this process is carefully controlled and as uniform as possible. The coffee to stays in bags overnight for a short fermentation of no more than 14 hours, and then early the next morning the coffee is prepared for drying.
We hope you enjoy this great coffee!
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